1) Summarize Pharaoh’s two dreams. (41:1-7) a) We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.  b) Saw a vine in front of me & on the vine were 3 branches. It budded, it blossomed and its clusters ripened into grapes. I took the grapes and squeezed them into your cup. On my head were 3 baskets of bread. The top basket was filled with baked goods but the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head. c) 7 Fat cows came out of the Nile, then 7 gaunt ugly cows cam out of the river and ate the 7 fat. 7 healthy grains were consumed by 7 thin scorched head of grain. t  2) Who did Pharaoh ask for understanding, and how did God guide Pharaoh to Joseph? (41:8-14) a) The prisoners, they told Pharaoh that Joseph was in the other jail cell. b) The magicians and wise men but none could interpret the dreams. The cupbearer remember Joseph and told Pharaoh how he had interpreted his dream while in prison. c) The magicians and wise men but none could interpret the dreams. The baker remember Joseph and told Pharaoh how he had interpreted his dream while in prison. 3) What did Pharaoh understand and declare about God and Joseph? (41:14-40) a) He recognized that it was God providing Joseph the interpretation and that God was with Joseph giving him discernment and wisdom. Pharaoh knew Joseph was the man for the job. b) He recognized that it was God providing Joseph the interpretation and that Joseph was not the right man for the job. c) He declared God was not real and that Joseph was pretending to know so he could get out of prison.  4) What truths do we learn about God from this passage? a) God never forgets us. b) God is good. c) God's timing is always perfect. d) God loves us and cares for us. e) All of the above. 5) How have you seen God’s perfect timing in your life or someone else’s life? a) Tell your story b) No Answer 6) How did God change Joseph’s circumstances? (41:41-45) Which one does NOT apply. a) From accused slave/prisoner to 2nd in command of all Egypt b) Dressed in Egyptian clothing of fine linen c) Joseph was allowed out of prison and immediately returned his home and family d) Given Pharaoh's signet ring and a gold chain e) Abused & forgotten; now honored with public acclaim f) Received Egyptian wife and freedom to travel throughout Egypt 7)  How did Joseph carry out his plan? (41:46-57) a) During the 7 years of abundance, Joseph collected extra food and stored it in the cities. During the 7 years of famine, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain only to the Egyptians. b) During the 7 years of abundance, Joseph collected extra food and stored in the cities. During the 7 years of famine, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians and all others in need of food. c) During the 7 years of abundance, Joseph sold food to Egyptians and others so they could store up for the 7 years of famine.  8) Why did Joseph give his sons their specific names? (41:50-52) a) Manasseh: because God was good to Joseph. Ephraim: because God brought Joseph out of prison. b) Mannasseh: because God had made Joseph forget his troubles and his father's family. Ephraim: because God had made Joseph fruitful in the land he suffered. c) Manasseh: because God made Joseph always remember his family. Ephraim: because God made Joseph fruitful in the land where he suffered. 9) What is one way God has shown His goodness to you in the past few weeks? a) Tell your story. b) No Answer 10) When God shows you His goodness, how do you respond? What do you say to others about it? a) Tell your story. b) No Answer 11) What brought Joseph’s brothers to Egypt? (42:1-5) a) Jacob learned there was grain in Egypt. He sent his son's to Egypt to buy much needed grain. b) Joseph's brothers felt guilty for selling Joseph when he was young and went to Egypt in search of Joseph. c) Ruben told his father that Egypt had grain so Jacob sent his son's to Egypt to buy much needed grain. 12) What reminded Joseph about the dreams he had as a young man? (42:6-10) a) One night during the time of famine, Joseph had the same dream he had when he was younger. When he woke, he remembered the dreams. b) Joseph saw his brothers coming to him. When they got there, Joseph remembered his dreams from when he was young. When his brothers asked Joseph to buy grain, Joseph first made his brothers bow down to him. c) Joseph's brothers came to buy grain and bowed down to Joseph. Joseph recognized his brothers and remembered his dreams.  13) How did Joseph’s brothers and father react and respond to Joseph’s demands that they bring Benjamin to him? (42:11-38) a) Joseph's brothers were distraught and discussed that they were being punished for the way they had treated Joseph when he was young. Jacob trusted God and willing let his son's take Benjamin back to Egypt as requested. b) Joseph's brothers were distraught and discussed that they were surly being punished for how they treated Joseph when he was young. Jacob acted in fear and distrust. He refused to let Benjamin go for fear he would die too. c) Jacob told his son's they were being punished for allowing Joseph to die when he was young. He refused to let them take Benjamin with them to Egypt. 14) In what situation in your life does it help you to know that God’s timing is perfect, He is good to His children and He knows the future? a) Tell your story. b) No Answer 15) Write or silently say a prayer telling God your thoughts and feelings about that situation and His part in it. a) Tell your story. b) No Answer

SPQ - Lesson 25


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