1) What is the best gift you have ever received? 2) What is your funniest childhood memory? 3) What is your favourite type of food? 4) What is your favourite drink? 5) If the money wasn't a problem where would you go on holiday? 6) What is your favourite movie or TV series?  7) What is your favourite book? 8) Which fictional character do you believe is most like yourself? 9) In the whole world, what new place would you like to visit? 10) If you could travel back to live at any point in time, when would it be? 11) What is your greatest fear? 12) If you won £1million, what would you do? 13) What is the best sound in the world? 14) If you only had one week left on earth, what would you do? 15) If you could read just one person's mind, who would it be and why? 16) Which animal would you like to be and why? 17) Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with? 18) Which social media do you use the most and why? 19) Which country would you love to visit? 20) Do you have a favourite band?  21) Where do you usually spend your summer holidays? 22) Do you play or follow a sport? If so, which one? 23) What is your hobby? 24) Can you speak any other languages? 25) What makes you happy? 26) What is your most favourite thing to do in the world? 27) If you could have a superpower, what would it be? 28) What do you like to do in your free time? 29) Three most important things you own? 30) Three most important achievement in life? 31) Would you rather have your dream job or find your true love? 32) Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? Why? 33) You can have anyone fictional as your imaginary friend, who do you choose and why? 34) What is the craziest thing you've ever done? 35) Do you have any secret talents? What are they?  36) What's your favourite time of the year and why? 37) What do you think about tattoos and piercings? 38) What really makes you angry and why? 39) What music makes you particularly happy? 40) What do you do when you feel bored? 41) Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? Why? 42) Where do you usually spend your winter break? 43) Do you have a big family? Describe them 44) What dishes do you often prepare?

Getting to know you!


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