There are lots of urgent tasks to do during a day.You don't have time for the nearest meeting.Ask your manager to skip it.Could I....., You are given the task to analyse some information on the project but you don't have the access to the database. Ask the support service to provide you the access.Could you..., There are many people are involved into the project and you can't remember their names.Ask people their names. I wonder if you..., You see the poor project management. There is no proper information about the next milestones.Ask about them.I am curious ..., Clarify the situation of poor communication because you need the instant response from your manager about some urgent questions.Ask your manager to answer your questions quicker.I wonder if you...., You have to complete some tasks.You should ask your teamlead to postpone the meeting., Unfortunately,there is no proper schedule of the next standup meeting.You should clarify it. I am curious ......

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