1) Who sent Joseph to Egypt? a) Jacob b) Joseph's brothers c) God 2) Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? a) to make Joseph rich and famous b) to save his family's lives c) to make Joseph's brothers sad 3) Jacob said he would go and see Joseph before he died. a) True b) False 4) Every person is important because God has a purpose for every life. a) True b) False 5) What did Jacob/Israel do at Beersheba? a) Jacob offered sacrifices to God. b) Jacob turned around and went home. c) Jacob threw a party for Joseph. 6) God said to Jacob, "I will not go down to Egypt with you." a) True b) False 7) Who did Jacob send ahead to get directions to Goshen from Joseph? a) Judah b) Noah c) Rachel 8) God will keep all His promises. a) True b) False 9) What are some ways God guides His people today? a) the Bible b) the Holy Spirit c) prayer 10) Pharaoh said to Joseph about his family: "Let them live in ___________." a) Goshen b) Israel c) Canaan 11) What did Jacob do for Pharaoh? a) He gave Pharaoh money. b) He blessed him. c) He cleaned the palace. 12) God promises to work all things for His children's good. a) True b) False


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