Experiments: Laboratory: takes place in a lab, Field: takes place in a natural setting, Natural: use a pre-existing IV, repeated measures: participants does each level, independent measures: participant does one level, collecting data by measuring behavior in relation to manipulation of variables, matched pairs: participants are selected and compared with each other using specific criteria, Self-reports: questionnaires, interview: structured, interview: unstructured, interview: semi-structured, open ended questions: free response, close ended questions: Multiple Choice or scales, rating scales: scale of 1-10, likert scales: "agree, disagree, strongly agree", collecting data by direct questioning of participants, Observation: collecting data by watching and noting down behaviors, overt : participants know they are being watched, covert : participants do not know they are being watched, participant : researcher becomes part of group, non-participant: researcher stays away from group, Other: Case Study: unique individual cases, Correlational Study: study the relationship between variables,


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