City - A place where people live and work that is bigger than a suburb, Park - Land where there is grass and trees where people can relax and play. , Town - A place where people live and work that is smaller than a suburb, Pollution - Waste that hurts the land, air and water. , Water - Clear liquid that cover most of planet Earth. , Oil - Liquid that is found in the Earth and is used to make gas. , Tree - A plant that has a trunk, is made of wood and has many branches. , Coal - A shiny black rock found in the Earth that is used to make heat energy., River - A large body of water that flows into a lake or ocean. , Building - A structure with a roof and walls made of wood, metal or stone like a house or store., Electricity - A form of energy that can make heat, light and make machines run. , Environment - The land, air, plants, water and animals in a place. , Build - To make something of put something together. , Grow - To increase in size. , Change - To make something different. ,
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