Unhealthy: You sometimes feel unsafe when you are alone with them, They don't want you to go and see your friends, They criticise you a lot, They want you to change how you dress, You feel scared to disagree with them, You feel pressured to do things that you don't want to do , During an argument, they raise their fist and threaten you, It depends...: They don't like your other friends, When you leave the house, they want to know where you will be, You have different interests and hobbies, They want to be with you all the time, You argue often, Healthy: You respect eachother, When you have an argument, you can agree to disagree, They make you feel good about yourself, You can spend time with other people whenever you like, You can say 'no' when you don't want to do something, they will listen, You can be honest with oneanother, You make decisions together, You like eachother just the way you are!,
Healthy Relationships
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