火车 - train, 飞机 - airplane, 汽车 - car, 自行车 - bike, 船 - boat, 公共汽车 - bus, 出租车 - taxi, 坐 - to sit (in most of type of transport), 骑 - to ride (on bike or motorbike), 去 - to go to, 我坐火车去法国。 - I go to France by train., 我骑自行车买东西。 - I ride a bike to do shopping., 我朋友坐飞机去中国滑雪。 - My friend go to China to ski by airplane., 她坐出租车去学校上课。 - She go to school to attend lesson by taxi., 弟弟和我一起坐船去西班牙 - Younger brother and I together go to Spain by boat.,

Jinbu 2 Chapter 1.4 World tour (transportation)



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