People will be mostly reading print books again and e-readers will have declined in popularity, The number of people learning foreign languages will have fallen because apps will translate everything simultaneously., The idea of a retirement age will have disappeared and people will be working until 70 and even beyond., We will only be eating laboratory produced meat products, e.g. synthetic hamburgers., Cycling will have replaced the car as the main form of private transport in towns and cities., People will have stopped using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and returned to face to face communication., The teaching of spelling and punctuation will have stopped in schools as people will be using text correctors for everything they write., We'll be mainly watching films with computer animated actors who will have replaced human actors., Fewer people will be getting married and the birth rate will dropped even further., We'll be seeing much more womens' sport on TV as it'll have greatly increased in popularity., Life expectancy will have gone down in the developed world because of unhealthy eating habits., It won't be necessary for anyone to learn to drive because we'll be using self-driving cars. .
4A In 20 years' time
Upper Intermediate
future continuous
future perfect
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