Virus - Harms your computer in some way, usually by deleting or altering files and stopping programs from running, Spam - Unwanted email that offer all kinds of things like money, prizes and super cheap products. Sometimes called junk email., Personal Info - Any kind of data that can identify you such as full name, date of birth and address, Malware - Malicious software designed to cause harm or damage to a computer, Copyright Law - Prevents people from copying other people's work, Trolling - People trying to wind others up or upset them on the internet., Computer Misuse act - Makes it illegal to hack other peoples computer, make changes to their data, look at other peoples files and use that information that you find to commit a crime, Health and Safety Regulations - require employers to provide a safe working environment. A tilting screen is part of this, Data protection Act - Ensures that companies have to keep accurate data on you. They must show you what is held on you if asked.,

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