My presentation today will be about the Philippines. I will explain location, a brief history , things you can do there, and introduce Jimneys. ____ where is the Philippines? It is an island nation of Southeast Asia in the Western Pacific Ocean, and it is an archipelago - which means a group of islands, consisting of over 7,000 islands. Manila is the capital. ____ a brief history. The Philippines is named after King Phillip II of Spain and it was a Spanish colony for over 300 years. ____ to tell you about things you can do in the Philippines while on holiday. As the Philippines consist of many islands, there are plenty of beaches to go round for everyone. ____ you can do boat trips, snorkelling and obviously swimming. ____ that, due to the different cultures that have come to the Philippines, our food and culture reflects these within a mix of Spanish, Chinese and American. ____ Jeepneys! The Filipinos have this fascination of decorating their Jeepneys. These vehicles are a cross between jeeps and trucks and buses and are people’s pride and joy. ____ ____ why not think and consider the Philippines for your next holiday?

ILP: L1 Functional Skills English - Speaking - Using Sequencing in a Presentation.


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