Do we use will for promises? Ex: We won't tell them your secret, I swear., Do we use going to for future plans that we already decided to do? Ex: We are going to meet this Friday to discuss the project. , Do we use going to for sudden or instant decisions? Ex: I am going to have the eggs and a cup of coffee. , It is correct to say: If you like, I will carry your bag. Why? or Why not?, Do we use going to for the following example? Ex: Barcelona is going to win the game, they have a better team., Do we use be going to for offers? Ex: I am going to look after the children for you if you like., Is it correct to say that we use will for predictions for which we have no evidence?, Is the following example correct? Why? or Why not? I will finish the report by the end of next week. You can believe me., The negative of will is won't? , Is the following example correct? Why? or Why not? What do you think you will study when you go to college in five years?.

Will vs going to


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