What kinds of products are manufactured in your home country?, Have we become too obsessed nowadays with owning the latest products?, How has the food that people eat where you live changed when compared to the past?, What can be done to ease traffic congestion in big cities?, How will technology change education in the future?, How do young people decide on what career to pursue in your country?, How would the world be different if everybody had enough food and good housing?, Can you compare how children spend their leisure time now and in the past?, What can be done to stop the loss of wildlife animal species as populations grow and economies develop?, In the modern world, is there anything that grandparents can teach their grandchildren?, Do you agree that families are less close than they were in the past?, What would it mean for the world if a limitless source of energy was developed?, Do you think young people were more polite in the past than they are now?, Do you think there will be less green space in cities fifty years from now?, Do you think it's true that writing letters is becoming a thing of the past?, On the whole, do you think people in your country are concerned about their health?, What are some of the benefits of parents teaching their children to read at home?, If pollution is such a big problem in big cities, why don't more people use public transport?.
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