True: It's okay to feel angry., When we express ourselves, not everyone will agree., It's okay to not agree with someone's values., Deep breathing can help me relax., Walking away from the situation does not mean I agree with the other person., "I" statement can help me get my point across., I need to be able to self-regulate at work and school., There are underlying emotions to anger., When someone is angry, they may need time alone to cool off., False: Expressing yourself is not okay., Showing my emotions makes me weak., It's not okay to have disagreements., Walking away from the situation means you lost the argument., Physical fights only affect my physical health., If somebody wants to fight me, i need to fight them., Yelling at someone will make them understand me., Telling on someone is not okay., If someone doesn't listen it's okay to use physical force., If someone is always angry, they're bitter.,
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