天气 - weather, 冷 - cold, 热 - hot, 下雨 - to rain, 下雪 - to snow, 刮风 - windy (advanced way to say windy), 有风 - windy ( basic way to say windy), 有太阳 - sunny, 多云 - cloudy, 北京 - Beijing (Capital of China), 天津 - Tianjing (a city in north east of China), 西安 - Xian (a city in west China), 上海 - Shanghai ( a big city in east China), 广州 - Guangzhou (a big city in southern China), 台北 - Taipei, 韩国 - South Korea, 地方 - places, 从 - from, 到 - to, 来 - to come, 去年 - last year, 今年 - this year, 明年 - next year, 然后 - then, 暖和 - warm, 凉快 - cool, 是晴天 - sunny day,

AQA Chinese U8 Travel and weather part 1 (definition)



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