狗 - dog, 猫 - cat, 鸟 - bird, 蛇 - snake, 兔子 - bunny, 鱼 - fish, 只 - measure word for animal in general, 条 - measure word for animal long in shape, 个 - measure word for people in general, 哥哥 - older brother, 姐姐 - older sister, 弟弟 - younger brother, 妹妹 - younger sister, 爸爸 - dad, 妈妈 - mum, 有 - to have, 没有 - to not have, 两 - two (when counting), 口 - measuer word for family members,

Jinbu 1 Chapter 2.1 + 2.2 Family and pets (definition)



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