a dropout - недоучка, approach fast - = come very soon, put forward - продвинути (проект), improve one's brain's performance - покращити ефективну діяльність мозку, read out loud - # read to yourself, apparently - "очевидно", too intense pressure - занадто сильний тиск, increasingly popular - все більш і більш популярний, get the most out of - взяти по максимуму, font - шрифт, Time to prove it! - Time will show!, elevate one's mood - to raise/ boost one's mood, vary the place - change the spot/ location, strangely enough - достатньо дивно, steady rhythm - стійкий ритм, associate ... with.. - пов"язувати з, be interrupted in full flow - "перебити" діяльність, будучи в повному розгарі, by heart - to memorise smth ..., optimise - make smth as good as possible, do well in the exam - succeed in the exam,

ZNO Leader Unit 3 The best tips for studying


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