Fuel - Source or anything flammable, v burn pattern - The most common burn pattern, accelerant - A material used to start or speed up a fire, Natural fire - A fire that got started from natural causes, Arson - The intentional setting of a fire, exothermic - When energy is released, hydro carbon - A compound that consists of Hydrogen and carbon, point of origin - The point of where the fire started, Sealable can - The package for arson evidence, Identify and detect - The role of an arson investigator, Murder - the intentional death of a person, insurance monies - The main reason for arson, product of fire - Heat and light, arsonist - The person that sets the fire, prolysis - Decomp of organic matter by heat, smothering - Oxygen removal, cooling - Heat removal, starving - fuel removal, combustible - easily catch fire, activation energy - What energy you need to start the fire, Low ignition temperature - easily catches fire, High ignition temperature - harder to catch fire, convection - Transfer of heat through air circulation and only occurs in liquids and gases, conduction - Transfer of heat through a solid object by direct contact, radiation - the emission of heat as electromagnetic waves.,
Fire and Arson
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