What teacher are you most thankful for and why? What did you learn from him or her?, What season are you most thankful for? Why?, What gadget/electrical appliance are you most grateful for and why?, What musician or type of music are you most thankful for?, What are you most grateful for that brings beauty to your daily life?, What form of exercise or physical activity are you most thankful for?, What foods are you most thankful for?, What local store or restaurant are you most grateful for? How does it contribute to your quality of life?, What book are you most grateful for, and why?, What form of art are you most thankful for: music, singing, dancing, acting, writing, painting, drawing, or something else?, What place do you feel most grateful for and why?, Name three days in your life that you feel especially grateful for., Is there a personal limitation or flaw that you’ve come to appreciate?, What vacation are you most grateful for?, What, from this year, do you feel most grateful for?.
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