火车 - train, 公共汽车 - bus, 出租车 - taxi, 共享自行车 - rental bike, 船 - boat, 地铁 - underground, 飞机 - air plane, 汽车 - car, 走路 - walk, 骑 - to ride, 坐 - by (used with transport), ...极了 - extremely, 漂亮、美丽 - pretty, beautiful, 风景 - scenery, 空气 - air, 新鲜 - fresh, 热闹 - busy, bustling, 安静 - quiet, 吵闹 - noisy, loud, 湖 - lake, 河 - river, 树 - tree, 站 - station,

AQA GCSE Chinese Unit 2: Getting around (transport) (definition)



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