1) 工人 a) factory b) doctor c) to become d) factory worker 2) 商人 a) actor b) company c) to become d) business person 3) 医生 a) doctor b) hospital c) engineer d) company 4) 演员 a) factory b) teacher c) factory worker d) actor 5) 公司 a) to become b) teacher c) company d) school 6) 工厂 a) future/ in the future b) journalist c) student d) factory 7) 医院 a) to become b) actor c) student d) hospital 8) 老师 a) teacher b) company c) to become d) school 9) 学生 a) doctor b) student c) nurse d) hospital 10) 学校 a) factory worker b) journalist c) school d) student 11) 将来 a) student b) factory c) future/ in the future d) doctor 12) 做 a) to become b) company c) student d) journalist 13) 记者 a) actor b) nurse c) journalist d) doctor 14) 护士 a) nurse b) journalist c) student d) engineer 15) 工程师 a) student b) journalist c) engineer d) to become 16) 科学家 a) school b) business person c) hospital d) scientist 17) 工作 a) to work b) actor c) school d) future/ in the future

Jinbu 2 Chapter 3.5 My mother is a teacher (definition)



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