Narrative/Fiction Text - Purpose: Entertainment, Characters - People or animals that are in the story., Setting - Where the story takes place., Plot - Action, problem, and solution., Non-fiction Text - Purpose: Gain information or facts about people, places, things, or events., Table of Contents - Helps the reader identify key topics in the book in the order they are presented. It is found at the beginning of the book. , Index - An alphabetical list of almost everything covered in the text, with page numbers. It is located at the back of the book. , Photographs - Help the reader understand exactly what something looks like. , Captions - Help the reader better understand a picture or photograph. , Labels - Help the reader identify a picture or photograph and/or its part., Cutaways - Help the reader understand something by looking at it from the inside. (Like cutting a slice of something.), Close-ups - Help the reader see details in something small., Comparisons - Help the reader understand the size of one thing by comparing it to the size of something else. May also be charts, tables, or graphs where you are comparing data. , Charts & Tables - Help the reader understand important information by listing it in the chart or table., Graphs - Help the reader see relationships between things., Maps - Help the reader understand where things are in the world. , Types of Print - Help the reader by signaling, "Look at me! I'm important!" It may be bold print , italics , ALL CAPS, underlined , or larger print., Glossary - Helps the reader understand key words that in the text. It is an alphabetical listing of key words and their meaning. Located at the back of the book. , Insets - A small map or illustration placed on top of a bigger picture to help extend or deepen comprehension (like a zoom-in). , Sidebar - Additional information found in boxes in the margin of the page that the author things you will find interesting. ,
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5th Grade
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