耳朵 - ears, 鼻子 - nose, 腿 - legs, 手 - hands, 脚 - feet, 嘴 - mouth, 眼睛 - eyes, 牙齿 - teeth, 头 - head, 疼 - aching, 别......了 - don't, 前天 - the day before yesterday, 看病 - to see a doctor, 西药 - western medicine, 中药 - Chinese medicine, 生病 - to become ill, 身体 - body, 健康 - health, healthy, 多... - more, 少... - less, 喝酒 - to drink alcohol, 抽烟 - to smoke, 胖 - fat, 瘦 - slim,

AQA GCSE Chinese Unit 10 Health and body (definition)



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