Soft skills - Skills that include communication, public speaking, and time management., Certified Public Accountant - What CPA stands for., Non Verbal Communication - Nodding, eye contact and eye rolling., audience - It is important to know your _____ when presenting., Excel - Microsoft Office program used to create spreadsheets, graphs and charts., Access - Microsoft Office program used to create a database and organize large amounts of information., Outlook - Microsoft Office program used to organize email., Confidential - A negative of electronic communication is that there is no guarantee it is ___., Autocratic - Type of leader that makes decisions for the organization with no input from others., Democratic - Type of leader that gets input from others but ultimately makes the decision themselves.., Chain of Command - When communicating in a business environment, it is important to follow ___ __ ___., Top - Level of management that sets the vision of the company., Operational - Level of management that carries out day to day activities., Inspire - As a leader, it is important to find ways to ___ inspire employees., Incentives - Bonuses, acknowledgements and flex time are examples of ____., Increase - Incentives will ___ productivity.,
Employability, Communications and Leadership - 10th 2nd Semester
Vocational / Technical
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