先生 - husband, sir, Mr., 太太 - wife, Mrs., 父母 - parents, 爷爷 - grandpa(father's father), 奶奶 - grandma(father's mother), 阿姨 - auntie, 叔叔 - uncle, 女士 - Ms., 外公 - grandpa(mother's father), 外婆 - grandma(mother's mother), 鸟 - bird, 鱼 - fish, 宠物 - pets, 年 - year, 演员 - actor,actress, 画家 - painter, 运动员 - athelet, 商人 - business person, 护士 - nurse, 工程师 - engineer, 将来 - in the future, 当 - to be (a job position), 作家 - writer, author, 服务员 - waiter, waitress, 厨师 - chef, 记者 - journalist, reporter, 科学家 - scientist, 医生 - doctor, 经理 - manager,

AQA GCSE Chinese Chapter 3: Family and jobs (definition)



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