吸毒品 - to take drugs, 网上约会 - online dating, 超重 - to be overweight (of luggage, freight, etc.), 减肥 - to lose weight, 上瘾 - become addicted; get into a habit, 谈恋爱 - date (someone); be in love, 压力 - pressure, 喝酒 - to drink alcohol, 成绩 - performance; achievement; result; score; grade, 考试 - test; exam, 戒烟 - to quit smoking, 感冒 - to catch a cold, 上班 - to go to work, 身体 - body, 健康 - health, healthy, 胖 - fat, 瘦 - slim, thin, 多... - to do something more, use it before verbs, 少... - to do something less, use it before verbs,

AQA GCSE Chinese Unit 10: Health and social issues (二) (character and definition)



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