I didn't mean to kill her., The air turned black all around me., Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness., Wandering through the graveyard, it felt like something was watching me., The eyes in the painting followed him down the corridor., Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stair. The bedroom door handle turned slowly., Slowly, a foot moved, then the trunk, then a loud growl shook the cavern..., Bleary-eyed, I went downstairs for breakfast, the house was empty, even the furniture had gone..., "Follow me!" she whispered., The clock stopped...74 minutes past 18...it was time to get up., The car screamed to a halt, four men wearing masks jumped out and ran into the nearest building, I looked around. The street was deserted except for me. , They were getting closer, yesterday Berlin, today Paris, when would they attack London?, They had deflected so many attacks, would they succeed this time?, I was on the 12th step when I awoke in my pyjamas..., Something called - away in the distance. "Climb on quick!" She commanded..., I stopped, the footsteps stopped too, I knew it was a bad idea to cut across the graveyard this late..., He pushed his hand into the carved hand-print on the rock, there was a rumble from beneath his feet and then it opened. Dare he go inside? , Again it appeared. Every morning at six it appeared at the end of my bed. This time it stayed, He had escaped. But where would the barrel take him?, Lightning struck the tree in the garden. Another flash and Arthur could see someone standing there looking up..
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