1) What are examples of focused notetaking? a) graphic organizers, cornell notes, word webs b) flashcards, sticky notes, math solutions c) lecture, copied text, pictures 2) The curve of forgetting is dependent upon___. a) quizzes and tests b) repetition and retention c) gpa and notetaking 3) The 11th grade AVID theme. a) Leadership b) Integrity c) SOAR 4) The SOAR acronym a) Sign, Organize, Attempt, Read b) Serve, Organize, Advance, Relate c) Serve, Organize, Aspire, Relational 5) _ was an educational researcher who studied levels of questioning. a) Carl Jung b) Sigmund Freud c) Arthur Costa 6) Costa's Level's of Questions are also known as ___. a) levels of understanding b) 3 groups of questions c) levels of intellectual functioning 7) Level 1 Questions a) Difficult to find b) "Right there" in the text c) Require a thorough investigation 8) level 3 Questions a) Require processing and application b) Are below a level one c) Rely on a previous text 9) Level 2 Questions a) sequencing, processing, inferring b) define, list, recite c) hypothesize, predict, evaluate 10) Steps in a tutorial a) 5 b) 12 c) 10 11) TRF a) Tutor Resource Form b) Tutorial Request Form c) Tutor Reference Form 12) Before Tutorial a) Initial question, submit TRF, grouping b) initial question c) 60-second speech 13) During tutorial a) provide examples, ask questions b) resolution, examples, 60-second speech c) 60-second speech, dialogue, steps, resolution 14) POC a) Points of Consideration b) Pre-work, Observe, Contribute c) Point of Confusion 15) After tutorial a) Summarize and reflect on learning b) Repeat steps 4-7 c) Create new questions
AVID 11 Review
11th Grade
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