1) sharp claws to climb a) Bat b) physical adaptation c) camouflage d) Bear 2) echolocation to hear a) physical adaptation b) attract a mate c) Bat d) Duck 3) long arms to swing a) attract a mate b) Monkey c) camouflage d) Duck 4) webbed feet to swim a) Duck b) mimicry c) Monkey d) defense mechanism of a scorpion 5) special colors that help animals blend in a) camouflage b) Monkey c) defense mechanism of a skunk d) Duck 6) special body part that helps an animal survive a) attract a mate b) Bear c) physical adaptation d) Bat 7) when an animal tricks predators because it looks like a dangerous animal a) mimicry b) physical adaptation c) Monkey d) Bat 8) spraying bad odor a) defense mechanism of a scorpion b) defense mechanism of a skunk c) Bat d) Monkey 9) poisonous pinchers a) physical adaptation b) defense mechanism of a scorpion c) defense mechanism of a skunk d) Duck 10) running fast to avoid predator a) antelope b) painted turtle c) sloth 11) plays dead to trick predators a) opposum b) sloth c) scorpion 12) turns white to camouflage in the winter a) arctic fox b) whale c) snake

Grade 3 Animal Adaptations


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