Proteins: founds in meats, fish, dairy and beans, collagen, keratin and enzymes are examples, involved in almost everything that happens in a living cell, Assembled by ribosomes, made of smaller molecules called amino acids, the arrangement of its amino acids is critical to its function, DNA provides code to arrangement of amino acids in its construction, Carbohydrates: Glucose, the sugar glucose is in this category, a quick source of energy, contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, Cellulose, glycogen, starch, monosaccharides, disaccharides, Lipids: includes fats and oils, make up most of the cell membrane, stored energy, simple chains of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, Nucleic Acids: contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and phosphorus, DNA and RNA, Hold the instructions for your traits, made of nucleotides, arrangement of nucleotides forms a code, RNA helps to make proteins using the codes in DNA, Water: the only molecule listed that does not contain carbon, inorganic, makes up 70% of your body, helps to regulate body temperature and move things around the body, ,
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