The ____ sends oxygen-rich blood to the whole body The lungs receive ____ blood The blood vessels that carry impure (deoxygenated blood) are called ____ The blood vessels that carry oxygenated (pure) blood are called ____ Smoking can lead to ____ ____ take messages/information from the brain to the rest of the body Sensory Neurons take messages from the ____ to the ____ The Central Nervous System (CNS) consists of the brain and ____ The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) consists of the ____ and sensory organs. We breathe in ____ and breathe out ____ The exchange of air takes place in the lungs inside the ____ The diaphragm is a(n) ____ that expands and contracts as we breathe in and out. Different tissues group together to form a(n) ____ Almost all of the food is broken down in the ____ Digestion begins in the ____. Food travels down a tube called the ____

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