1) You are writing an initial email to a college to apply for a course, what is the correct appropriate greeting ? a) Hi Sir / Madam, b) Dear Sir / Madam, c) Good morning, d) Hello there, 2) You are finishing your email to a college, what is the correct appropriate sign off? a) Kind regards, b) Yours sincerely, c) Yours faithfully, 3) If you were writing a letter to apply, how would you write your greeting to Mr. Weedon? a) Hi Mr. Weedon, b) Deer Mr Weedon, c) Dear Mr Weedon, d) Dear Sir, 4) How would you finish your letter to Mr. Weedon? a) Kind regards, b) Yours faithfully, c) Yours sincerely, d) Yours Sincerely, 5) You are writing instructions, which of these should you use? a) Sequencing connectives - first, next, then, after that b) bullet points / numbered lists c) paragraphs d) imperative verbs - take, put, go, cut... e) modal verbs - could, should might, may... 6) A compound sentence... a) joins two simple sentences (that makes sense on their own) using connectives. b) uses adjectives c) is a letter or group of letters that go(es) on the end of the word and changes the word's meaning. d) is two words that sound the same but have different meanings 7) What is the acronym for linking words you can use to make a compound sentence? a) FINBAGS b) FORBEEF c) FACEOFF d) FANBOYS 8) The acronym FANBOYS stands for : a) For, And, Not, Because, Or, Yes, Still b) For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So c) From, And, Nor, But, Or, Yes, So d) For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, Same 9) You always use an apostrophe for plurals? a) true b) false 10) Which plurals are correct? a) boxes b) box'es c) dogs d) dog's 11) Which sentence is correct? a) The students took there phones outside. b) The students took their phones outside. c) The students took they're phones outside 12) Which sentence is correct? a) They're on their phones in the classroom. b) Their on there phones in the classroom. c) They're on there phones in the classroom. 13) Which sentence is correct? a) Their were too many students in the kitchen. b) There were two many students in the kitchen c) There were to many students in the kitchen. d) There were too many students in the kitchen. 14) Which words are verbs ? a) run b) beautiful c) say d) get e) drink f) large 15) "We guarantee these classes will get you fit." Which word could replace guarantee ? a) insure b) promise c) protect d) secure
Entry 3 English - city and guilds writing
Functional skills
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