True: Adventure World is a theme park which has thousands of visitors every year., There's a bus which takes you from the car park to the entrance., Look,here's a photo of Louise and Simon, who went with me., That's the train which takes you round the park., That's Sarah, a friend who came with Louise., This is the best photo.It's the King Coaster, the ride which really makes you scream., That's a boy who has been on the King Coaster a hundred times., That's the zoo which has hundreds of birds and animals., Those are some of the monkeys which are in the zoo. They like climbing., And this photo shows some of the clowns who do funny things., The clown who is standing on his head was my favourite., False: Adventure World is a theme park who has thousands of visitors every year., There's a bus who takes you from the car park to the entrance., Look,here's a photo of Louise and Simon, which went with me., That's the train who takes you round the park., That's Sarah, a friend which came with Louise., This is the best photo.It's the King Coaster, the ride who really makes you scream., That's a boy which has been on the King Coaster a hundred times., That's the zoo who has hundreds of birds and animals., Those are some of the monkeys who are in the zoo.They like climbing., And this photo shows some of the clowns which do funny things., The clown which is standing on his head was my favourite.,
Amanda has been to an adventure theme park and she's showing her friends some photos. Choose the right sentence.
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