arson - setting fire to a building, cars or property on purpose, assault - attacking someone physically, blackmail - threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid, bribery - giving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or behavior, burglary - breaking into a house in order to steal something, embezzlement - stealing large amounts of money that you are responsible for, often over a period of time, forgery - illegally copying documents, money, etc. to cheat people, hijacking - taking control of a plane, train etc by force, often to meet political demands, homicide - killing another person on purpose, kidnapping - taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their safe return, libel - damaging someone’s reputation by writing lies about them, looting - taking things illegally and by force, during a riot, war, etc., manslaughter - killing someone by accident, mugging - attacking someone with a plan to rob them, murder - killing someone on purpose, pickpocketing - stealing wallets, money, etc. from people’s pockets in crowded places, rape - forcing someone to have sex, riot - causing a noisy, violent public disturbance, robbery - stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc. (focus on the place), shoplifting - stealing something from a store, theft - stealing, in general, steal - ake something from someone without permission (focus on the item),
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