Do you have certain routines that you follow, if so, what are they?, What information can you learn from reading books?, Why is cleanliness important?, What type of customs and traditions do you practice?, How many siblings do you have?, Why is it important to think about other people’s feelings?, What household item do you use the most and why?, How clean do you think your room is?, What type of jobs do people in your country have?, What can happen if people do not exercise?, Do you know people that share the same fear?, What is your favourite holiday and why?, What type of clothes do you not like wearing?, Do you like living in your hometown? Why?, What is food you would love to try?, Why are household items useful?, Is there anybody in your family you share a hobby with?, Where do you buy your clothing and what colors do you choose?, Do you do anything special with your family on holidays, if so what?, Do you think everyone should work? Why?.
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