The reasons why you would like to work with children. , A request for information about the working hours. , Any link you may have with a French speaking country. , Plans for accommodation. , Ask a question about the job. , The dates you would be available to start the job. , Your experience of working with children. , Your level of French. , Your future career plan. , Languages spoken. , Why you want the job. , Why you would like to work in France. , Your experience of working with people. , Information about your hobbies. , Ask two questions about the job. , The dates you would be available for interview. , An enquiry about what there is to do in the area on your days off. , How you can contribute to the running of the restaurant. , What activities you can organise for children at the holiday camp. , How you can contribute to the running of the youth hostel. , What you do to help in the kitchen/around the house in general. , Your experience of travelling abroad. , Why you want to be a waiter/waitress. , Your experience of working with people. , What type of food you like. , The types of film you like. , What you do to stay fit and healthy. , Why it's important for young people to learn a language. , Which activities you would organise at the weekend for the students. , Ask about accommodation., The skills you have to help you do this job. , Your IT and communication skills. , What games, sports or other activities you could help organise. .
N5 French - Unpredictable bullet points
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