1) Truth: Who is you favorite artist/musician? 2) Truth: What are you really proud of? 3) Truth: What one thing would you take with you on a desert island? 4) Truth: What is your least favorite school subject? 5) Truth: What are you afraid of? 6) Truth: What are your favorite pizza toppings? 7) Truth: What makes you cry? 8) Truth: What makes you laugh? 9) Truth: What did you have for breakfast? 10) Dare: Draw a house in the air with your eyes closed. 11) Dare: Say "You're awesome" to someone. 12) Dare: Count from 10 to 1 as quickly as you can.  13) Dare: Invent a new dance move. 14) Dare: Say 'Hello' in as many languages as you can.  15) Dare: Sing a short song 16) Dare: Play the air guitar really well! 17) Dare: Say "She sees cheese" 5 times fast

Truth or Dare


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