You need to print a document. Ask a front desk agent about it, You have a lot of luggage and you ask a front desk agent about how you can get this into your room, You are a business woman and you need to hold a meeting in this hotel. Ask a front desk agent for help, Your child has stained his clothes. Ask a front desk agent about a laundry room., Air conditioning in your room doesn't work. Ask a front desk agent for help, You want to book a hotel for your friend with special needs. Ask a front desk agent if they have special facilities., It is your first time in this city. You want to travel around, you've got a driving licence and you don't want to use public transport. Ask a front desk agent if they have special facilities., You have friends in this city. Ask a front desk agent if you can throw a party in the patio., Your room is a mess. Ask a front desk agent if they can provide some service., You are on a tight budget and you can't allow the restaurant. Ask a front desk agent if they have some faciliies for cooking., You don't have any toiletries in your room. Complain to the front desk agent and ask for a complimentary snack.,
Hotel Services and Facilities / Role play
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