High school / Secondary school - A high school is for students aged between 14–18 years in the USA. A secondary school is for students aged between 11–18 years in the UK., a term / a semester - A term is one of the three periods of the year during which classes are held. A semester is the two periods that the school is divided into USA., pass / fail - Pass an exam is to achieve the required standard in an exam or test. Fail an exam is the opposite., be punished / be expelled - Be punished is to be made to suffer because you’ve done smth bad/wrong. Be expelled is to officially have to leave school because you’ve done smth terrible, cheat /misbehave - Cheat is to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage in an exam. Misbehave is to behave badly., a state school / a private school - A state school is run by the government and is usually free. You have to pay to go to a private school., teacher / professor - A teacher teaches in any school apart from university. A professor teaches at a university., a graduate / an undergraduate - Graduate is a person who has a university degree. An undergraduate is a person who studies at university or college., a nursery school / a boarding school - A nursery school is a school for children of 2 to 4 in the UK. It is not compulsory. A boarding school is a school where students study,eat, and sleep., History / a story - History is a subject at school which is the study of past events. A story is a description of events and people that a writer has invented in order to entertain,
What's the difference. School life 🥴
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