export - to carry out, porter - a person who carries out, portfolio - a case for carrying out, comport - to carry out together, report - to carry back, distraction - the act of pulling away apart , retractable - able to be pulled back, extraction - the act of pulling out, contractor - a person who pulls together, subtraction - the act of pulling under, construct - build together, misconstruction - the act of building together badly, deconstruct - building together down, substructure - a building that is under, reconstructive - a tendency to build together again, rejection - the act of throwing back , subjective - a tendency to throw under, conjecture - something that has been thrown together, ejection - the act of throwing out, projection - the act of throwing towards or forward, disrupt - to break apart, erupt - to break out, erupted - has broken out,

L3 OG Roots :port, tract, ject, struct, rupt


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