Mention 2 different activities that you did last weekend. , Who was your best friend at school? Are you still friends? , When and where were you born?, Describe your first memory as a kid. “I remember that I was …”, What was your favorite cartoon in childhood?, What do you want to do during your vacations? (mention three different activities), What was the last time you were angry? Why?, Describe your favorite scene in your favorite movie., Describe the moment when you met your best friend. (Use past), What was the best present for your birthday?, What were you bad at when you were a kid?, What were you good at when you were a kid?, Where were you when you took the last selfie? When was it? Who were you with?, Mention four activities you did on your last vacation., What country do you want to travel to in the future? Why that country? (Use complete ideas), Describe a funny anecdote. USe sequencing words (first, second, finally).

Farewell questions



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