The sinking goat becomes weaker and ____ and she even can't ____ for help. Clumsy and Mr. Beaver are standing ____ the ____ tree and can't reach the tree to ____ it down. ____, they hear a ____ behind them and see the squirrels jumping ____ the brushwood road. Hey, Beaver-from-the-River, we saw your road ____ the ____ and went to look for Bumsy-Trumsy. Can you jump onto that thin ____ and ____ it down? This way the ____ will reach the ____ of the tree and we will ____ Gracie out. The ____ goat ____ the ____ and the animals ____ the goat out. Butterfly, can you ____ Gracie the way to the ____? That ____ all the animals could see the flying butterfly and the strange ____ but very tired animal walking ____ the ____. The animals ____ Gracie and the bog is not ____ to anyone because now there is the brushwood road ____ it.



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