precarious - is likely to become worse., income - money that you earn by working, investing, or producing goods, tight - very firmly or closely, steady - happening at a gradual, regular rate, in effect - used to say what the real situation is, mod cons - the machines and devices, such as washing machines and fridges, that make the ordinary jobs in a home easier, scrimp - to save money by spending less than is necessary to reach an acceptable standard, settle into - to become comfortable in a place or doing an activity, contented - happy and satisfied, value - to give a judgment about how much money something might be sold for, pursue - to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her, or it, mortifying - very embarrassing, off-putting - slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you do not want to get involved in any way, stardom - the quality of being famous, especially for being a singer, actor, etc, destitute - without money, food, a home, or possessions, whereby - by which way or method,


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