Producer - Has highest authority, hires director and staff, in charge of all finances, Director - Artistic brain and boss of the show. Directs actors and advises technical director., Prompter - Main responsibility is to follow script and give actors lines and stage directions when needed during rehearsals. Keeps track of blocking in script., Technical Director - Works with director to design set, lights, and sound. Makes sure all technical aspects of show are what director wants., Choreographer - In charge of dance numbers if show is a musical., Publicity Manager - Promotes show. Responsible for all advertising. (Posters, programs, news releases.), Stage Manager - In charge of anything going on in backstage area during rehearsals and show., Design Team - Creates the production concept: how the play should look and feel., House Manager - In charge of house and all areas where audience is. (Ticket sales, guest seating, refreshments, ushers), Assistant Director - Fills in when director is not available. In busy times, helps with cast and crew., Grips - Backstage crew who fly scenery in and out., Playwright - Creates and develops the written script, Scenic Designer - Responsible for the visual appearance of the scenery and props, Lighting Designer - Responsible for visual appearance of the lighting on and off stage, Costume Designer - Responsible for the visual appearance of the actors, Sound Designer - Responsible for all sound effects during the show, Musical Director - In charge of all the musical scores in a show,
Theater Production Staff & Responsibilities
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