helpful - He is _____, he always carries my bags, tasteless - This soup is _____, it's disgusting, foolish - Tom is_____, he lost all his money in a game, drinkable - This water is_____ it doesn't contain any chemicals, painless - The injection was______, greenish - This dress is ______, does this colour match to your shoes?, hopeful - I am _____that we'll win the match, weekly - This TV show is ____ on TV, every Saturday, careless - He is ______, he always falls., affordable - This tablet is _____, it has a reasonable price., cowardly - Helen was _____ in that situation, she was so scared, furious - My dad was so angry, he was______, peaceful - It was a ______ protest, nobody was hurt, painful - This operation was rather painful, I still feel something, selfish - He thinks only about himself, he is so_____,

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