Inference - An educated guess, Evidence - Information from the text, Schema - Background Knowledge, Explicit - Evidence that is directly stated; clear and straightforward, Implicit - Evidence that is implied, or hinted at in the text, Fiction - A story that is made up/imagined, Nonfiction - A text based on facts, true events, and real people, Pronoun - A word that takes the place of a noun, Central Idea - What the text it mostly about, Cite - To quote information directly from the text (word for word), Claim - A statement that must be proven/supported, Reasoning - Explaining HOW evidence supports a claim, Relevant - On topic; related to , Summary - A short paragraph that describes what the text is mostly about, Objective - Without opinion , Anecdote - A brief, interesting story , Structure - The organizational pattern in a text, Annotate - To make notes about the text in the margin ,
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