checking facts and checking understanding: What you are saying is that the strategy isn’t applicable?, Do you mean that our idea won’t work?, asking for clarification: I’m not quite clear about your last suggestion., I’m not quite sure I understand., Could you run it by me again?, Could you clarify exactly what the problems were?, Could I ask you to spell out some details, Dealing with misunderstanding: No, it’s not that we disagree with the last suggestion., We don’t mean this exactly., What I’m saying is that we are ready to negotiate new agreements., That’s not what I mean. What I mean is an absolutely new way of thinking about this., Digressing: Just a thought. It may not be entirely relevant, but how about having lunch together?, That reminds me. Have you heard of a new cafeteria nearby?, By the way, talking about this new vice minister, have you met her?, Resuming: Actually, it doesn’t matter –it’s a bit off topic right now., Anyway, …sorry. That’s a bit of a digression., Let’s get back to the main issue.,
Unit 7 Key expressions
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