How do you convert °C to K? - K = °C + 273.15, How do you convert °F to °C - °C = ( °F - 32 ) /1.8, What is q in specific heat capacity? - Heat, What is m in specific heat capacity? - mass, What is Cs in specific heat capacity? - specific heat capacity, What is Δt in specific heat capacity? - Change in Temperature, How can you transform the s.h.c formula so that you are finding the specific heat capacity? - c = Q / mΔt, What is a pure substance? - Composed of only one type of atom or molecule, What are the two sub-types of pure substance - Element Compound, What is a mixture? - Mixture composed of two or more different types of atoms or molecules combined in variable proportions., What are the two sub-types of mixtures? - homogeneous mixture heterogenous mixture, What is a physical change? - Matter changes its appearance but not its composition., What is a chemical change? - Matter does change its composition., What is an endothermic reaction? - Energy is absorbed, What is an exothermic reaction? - Energy is released,

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