1) Safest activity while you're cooking on the stove? a) Talk to your friends b) Play the drums on the pots c) Watch the food closely d) Run around and throw things e) Juggle apples 2) Best shoes to wear while in cooking lab? a) flip flops b) stilettos c) sandals d) your brand new white chuck taylors e) closed toe rubber bottom shoes f) leather dress shoes 3) Best places to store a dirty knife? a) in a sink full of soapy water b) under your cutting board c) in your pocket d) next to the sink in clear view e) wrapped in a dish towel 4) When to clean up a spill on the floor? a) Immediately b) After you are done cooking c) After it's dried d) Let the teacher clean it up e) When it's convenient 5) Pot handles should be turned... a) to the front of the stove b) to the back of the stove c) to the side of the stove 6) What is the best tool to remove a hot pan from the oven? a) Dish towels b) Spatulas c) Pot Holders d) Bare hands 7) What is an example of best practices in kitchen safety? a) Removing electrical plugs with wet hands b) Using aluminum foil for easy clean up in the microwave c) Storing dish towel next to stove d) Using 2 hands to remove a hot pan from the oven e) Wearing long floppy sleeves while cooking 8) When you're done using them, small electrical appliances should be... a) Unplugged, just in case b) Left plugged in, just in case 9) What's a way to make a cutting board on the counter more stable? a) Nail it to the counter b) Glue it to the counter c) Put a damp towel or paper towel under it d) Lean on it really hard 10) It's ok for your hands to be wet when... a) you're using an electrical appliance b) you're using a knife c) you're using a pot holder d) you're carrying something heavy e) you're washing them 11) Other things you can use a knife for are... a) Opening a can b) Prying a lid off c) Loosening a screw d) Cleaning your teeth e) Only use knives for cutting and slicing food 12) Running in the kitchen is fine when: a) you're really excited b) you have lots of energy c) there's something you just remembered d) you like moving fast e) the kitchen is on fire 13) When someone is opening the oven, you should: a) look over their shoulder so you can see in b) stand right behind them in case they need help c) stand very near so you can give them advice d) walk behind them quickly if you need something e) give them space so no one gets burned 14) Put out a grease fire on the stovetop by: a) Throw a bucket of water on it b) Throw a bag of flour on it c) Stop, drop and roll d) Put baking soda or salt on it e) Smother it with a tight-fitting lid


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