a fast day to remember destruction of Temple and Exile - Tzom Gedaliah, Last Jewish leader in Jerusalem - Gedaliah, Tefilot asking for G-ds forgiveness - Slichot(os), White cotton robe symbolizing purity - Kittel, The 5th( last) Amidah on YomKippur - Neilah, Reminds us of Akeidat Yitzchak and Avraham's devotion to Hashem - Shofar, Piyyut before Kedusha Musaf - Unetaneh Tokef, First Tefilah on Yom Kippur night - Kol Nidrei, Memorial service on holidays - Yizkor, When Shlomo Hamelech build the Beit Hamikdash and it was inaugurated - Sanhedrin declared all Jews should eat on Yom Kippur,

advanced ראש השנה יום כפור


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